My creative
and research work in video, a branch of new media art, enables the viewer
to enter into the world of the relationship intended, from the very beginnings
of the conceptual phase, to be an alpha-repetitive and theta-creative
rhythm. This is also the basis of my most recent interactive video installations
on the Internet, while at the same time it opens the possibility for virtual
and computer-animated video to become an integrated medium of art in the
era defined by hyper-textuality and digital media.
Born on
8 December 1944 at Spodnji Hrastnik. He graduated from the Academy of
Fine Arts in Ljubljana (1969), where he also completed postgraduate studies
(1971). He took advanced studies in London, Poland and Paris. In 1968
he was a member of the extended OHO group. Since 1988 he has been a professor
for video aesthetics and television technology at the Academy of Fine
Arts in Ljubljana.
1967 and 1988 he worked together with Ana Nuša Dragan.
& SREČO DRAGAN http://razor.fri.uni-lj.si:8080/Sreco.Dragan/

Art video
U-matic, RTV Skopje 1989, 5'
Script & Dir Srečo Dragan
Camera Dimitar Vladitski
Music Judita Krivec (re-editing of music by J. S. Bach & Art of Noise)
Edit Bane Popović
Also part of an installation of the same name.
The Ohrid
icon The Annunciation is electronically transformed into a video image.
Images of biblical themes change into modernistic ones - into a cross.
There is a line at the beginning of each image, and the spectator's view
is outside the line, allowing him to follow the transformation of the
sign, image, world.

U-matic, TV Slovenija, Ljubljana 1991, 15'
Script & Dir Srečo Dragan
Camera Mišo Čadež
Music Art of Noise
Edit Milan Milošević
Also part of an installation of the same name.
This video
is based on the painting Sejalec (The Sower) by Ivan Grohar. With the
words 'Bodi svetloba' (Be light) it returns to the text, to the graphic
sign, simultaneously reflecting the predominant concept of impressionism
as an art movement focused on colours. The video medium helps us to distinguish
the details and colour stains on the image. Their enlargement manifestly
illustrates the search for 'pure' colours that reunite our view with the

B-max, TV Slovenija & Arxel, Ljubljana 1993, 8'
Script & Dir Srečo Dragan
Camera Mišo Čadež
Music Laibach in italijanska renesančna glasba
Edit Milan Milošević
Computer. anim. Arxel studio
Also part of an installation of the same name.
A video which
unites the Renaissance and virtual images: the painting by Pierro della
Francesca and the virtual image of a meadow. Digital art places both worlds
on the same level, opening the door to the Renaissance rotunda.

Betacam SP, Digital 3 D mastering, TV Slovenija, Arxel Tribe & E-Motion
film, Ljubljana 1995/96, 4' 45''
Script & Dir Srečo Dragan
Music Laibach, Kraftwerk, Johann Strauss II
Edit VPK
Also available on the World-wide Web (http://www.ljudmila.org/video/srečo/rotas)
and part of an installation of the same name.
The insanity
of the modern world is inherent from the very beginning and the Babylon
Tower is its symbol: from the Babylon Tower to Sarajevo, from imaginary
architectures to the unrealised designs by architect Jože Plečnik. In
this video, the space represented by the two-dimensional image intertwines
with the spaces of computer animation: the space of an image confronting
digital spaces which are constantly transforming, reaching into different
time perspectives. The images from Lang's film Metropolis were a vision
of the future, but here they suddenly become images outside of time and

8 mm, Ljubljana 1968, 4'
72 h zime
in 72 h jeseni / In Winter 72h and Autumn 72h
8 mm, Ljubljana 1969, 2' 2''
8 mm, Ljubljana 1969, 2' 5''
120 pogledov
na Nušo / 120 glances at Nuša
8 mm, Ljubljana 1970
Smer relacije
senzibilnost - imaginacija / The Relationship of Sense and Sensibility
8 mm, Ljubljana 1972
Miselna vizualizacija
objekta / The Thinking Visualisation of Object
8 mm, Ljubljana 1972
grupna komunikacija / The Visualization of Spiritual Massages
8 mm, Ljubljana 1972

Exhibitions, Installations & Performances
Neo-geo VIII, Solkan, Galerija O.Š. Solkan
Des Menschen eigner Spiegel (with D. Podgornik), Bonn, Kulturzentrum
Nut, Ljubljana, Galerija ZDSLU (video installation & performance)
The European Architectural Energy Line, Ljubljana - Prague (the Internet
Rotas Sator, Ljubljana, Galerija Equrna (interactive installation)
Netropolis - Cyborg Eye (European Cultural Month), Ljubljana

Teksti -
projekti, Ekran, No. 80/99, 1972/73 -- Digitalni vid, Likovne
besede, No. 29, 30, 31, 1994 -- Rotas, cat. Ostranenie, Dessau
1995 -- Video v Sloveniji, cat. Film video monitor, Gorizia 1988

Exhibitions & Festivals
Grafika mladih jugoslovenskih stvaralaca, Belgrade, Galerija doma omladine
-- Atelje 69, Ljubljana, Moderna galerija
Razstava društva slovenskih likovnih umetnikov, Ljubljana, Moderna galerija
Recent Slovene Video Production, London, Air Gallery
Međunarodni video susret, Sarajevo, Muzej XIV. ZOI -- Jugoslovenska dokumenta
89, Sarajevo, Collegium artisticum -- Mednarodna videokolonija, Ohrid
-- Video CD 89, Ljubljana, Cankarjev dom -- Alternative Film - Video'89,
Belgrade, Akademski filmski centar Dom kulture
5. film video monitor, Gorizia, Kulturni dom -- Vom Rande, Maribor, Razstavišče
Rotovž -- Prisotnost geometrije v sodobni slovenski umetnosti, Trieste,
galerija TKG
Slovenske Atene, Ljubljana, Moderna galerija
6. film video monitor, Gorizia, Kulturni dom -- Mednarodna umetniška delavnica,
Monfalcone -- Slovenska video umetnost, Ljubljana, Galerija DSLU -- Intart,
Villach, Klagenfurt, Udine -- Bienale Intart 91-92, Ljubljana, Razstavišče
Rihard Jakopič -- Slovenski video festival, Idrija, grad Gewerkenegg
Slovenska umetnost, fragmentarni pogled, Stockholm, Konstnaers Palatset,
Helsingborg Galleri Gamla Stan -- Slovenija - odprta za umetnost, Mednarodna
likovna delavnica, Begunje; Snežnik, Sinji Vrh; Ljubljana, Galerija ZDSLU
OHO, Ljubljana, Moderna galerija > Graz, Neue Galerie -- Von uns aus...
Neue Kunst aus Slowenien, Marburg, Universitätsmuseum für bildende Kunst
> Wiesbaden Hamburg > Darmstadt > Bonn > Stuttgart -- Intelligent
Ambience (Ars electronica), Linz -- Isea '94, The 5th International Symposium
on Electronic Art, Helsinki, Media Longue -- Corto Circuito, Festival
Film Video, Napoli -- LBMA Media Arts, Long Beach, California Museum of
Art -- Stazione di Topolo, Topolo -- Sodobna slovenska umetnost, Fragmentarni
pogled, Geneva, Palača narodov > Vaduz, Mestna hiša -- A Past Memorized
- AFuture Conceived: Video From Slovenia, Rotterdam, Rotterdamse Kunstiche
> Amsterdam, Neederlands film museum > Vienna, Medienwerkstatt >
Graz, ESC > Iowa, School of Art and Art History > München, Marstal
Bayerischer Staatschauspiel Kassel -- Festival dokumentarnega filma in
videa, Novo Mesto, Dolenjski muzej -- Risba profesorjev na ALU v Ljubljani
(Bienale slovenske grafike), Novo mesto, Dolenjski muzej
9. Videofest, Berlin, Mediapolis -- Nuova video arte Slovena 1992-95,
Trst, Studio d'arte, Associazione nazionale gallerie d'arte moderna --
Ostranenie, Internationales Videofestival, Dessau, Bauhaus
Intart 95/96 - pokrajina in njena podoba, Bohinj -- Mednarodni festival
računalniških umetnosti, Maribor, galerija Media Nox -- Moving Moments
- Pendel (Ars electronica), Linz (z Kurt Hoofsetter) -- Alpe Adria Cinema,
Trieste, Teatro Miela -- Film video monitor, Gorizia, Kulturni dom --
Luxemburg - Cultural Capital of Europe, Luxemburg, Ethe Institute
U3, 2n Triennale of Slovene Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, Moderna galerija
-- Međunarodni festival novog filma i videa, Split -- Kabinet najdenih
predmetov, Koper, Galerija Loža -- 3. mednarodni festival računalniških
umetnosti, Maribor, Razstavni salon Rotovž -- International Video Festival,
Palermo -- Umetnik in urbano okolje, Slovenj Gradec, Galerija likovnih
4. mednarodni festival računalniških umetnosti, Maribor, IZUM -- Twilight,
Klagenfurt, Kunstlerhaus -- Moments in Communications (Sarajevska zima),
